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"...has all this information been placed in a book or put in a pdf file, I am getting ready to landscape my new home and would love to read all this invaluable information I stumbled across..."
- Lafayette, LA


Directory of
IPM Pest Control
Products and Tools

Miscellaneous  - Types of Tools

Click on a link below to find the Type of Miscellaneous Products & Tools you want to look for:

How to Use the Directory

Simply click through the options on each page
as you narrow down the search for your particular topic. 

Begin with the general type of problem, then
choose the particular pest, followed by the
specific type of tool sought.

We welcome your comments!

Let us know about your experience with any of the products, companies, or sources of information you find through the Directory. We appreciate suggestions.

Your feedback helps rank items in the Directory by identifying the most cost-effective and environmentally sound solutions. Send information to us at: or go to the Directory topic in our Forums page and post your suggestions and comments.

Conditions of Use
Your continued use of this system is acknowledgment that you have read,
understand, and are in agreement with the terms and conditions described here.

Last Modified: April 24, 2007
All materials copyright ©1991-2007 IPMPA, IPM Associates,
Greg Prull, Jeff Ard unless otherwise noted.  All rights reserved.
